Bridging the gap between financial theory and on-the-job reality!

We bring Wall Street to the classroom!

Study global finance while you work in global finance. Learn it today. Apply it on the job today.
This is not your typical business school

What sets us apart? Why are we different?


Professional Education

Our programs are designed to bring the global finance industry to you. Not only do you study and get the best global finance education, but you will earn money while you study with the some of the best finance professional!


Real Life Study

Our programs are real world learning and doing! Lessons and work assignments are case and scenario based. Meaning, you will review, study and provide solutions based on real life cases and scenarios and handle work projects based on your studies.


No boring lecture

No boring lectures or a 40 minute video.  At NYSBFI, you will be engaged!  Not only will you be giving challenging assignments on the work and academic side, but you will also be required to engage verbally and literally in your group.


Social Engage

We encourage you to be socially engaging also.  Not only are NYSBFI staff and students your coworkers, but we are all learners and we encourage you to exchange ideas, offer input and seek other viewpoints from members all over the globe.

Our Programs


Project Management/

Associates will learn and practice the complete trading cycle. They will be engaged from the front office, middle office and back office operations.

3 to 5 years – $15,000 per year


Trading and Portfolio Management (TPM)

TPM program helps develop core competencies in trading and portfolio management. Students will learn how to conduct portfolio performance and risk measurement and attribution and review trading and portfolio strategies for a variety of asset classes including fixed income, equity, and alternatives.

3 to 5 years – $9,000 per year


Corporate Finance and Business Development (CFBD)

The CFBD program develops the complete set of skills to succeed in the competitive world of corporate finance and business development. Associates will develop familiarity with US GAAP and IFRS accounting standards…

3 to 5 years – $11,000 per year


Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

Associates will learn personal and corporate financial modeling and forecasting. Learn how the cross functional understanding of taxes, finance, investment and forecasting.

3 years – $6,000 per year

Featured Courses

Need More Information?

If you're thinking about how to prepare for the next stage in your career, we can help. Request more information today.
Feel free to contact with us to learn more about our courses and programs.